what is the solar system

what is the solar system

solar system
solar system

the solar system is Sun, inner planets, the belt of Wondrer asteroids, outer planets 

 1. The sun:

  • The sun is a star which lies in the center of the solar system.
  • It has a law temperature comparative with other stars that have a blue color.

2. Mercury:


  •  The smallest planet in the solar system. It is the planet that has the highest temperature because it is the nearest planet to the sun.
  •  Its surface contains some holes like the moon.
  • Its surface is made by the regolith dust, the regolith dust is similar to that on the moon.
  • The distance between the mercury and the sun is 58 million km.
  • Mercury completed it’s turn around it self in 58.64 days.
  • Mercury completed it’s turn around the sun 87.96 days.
  • Mercury has a very low gravity because it has very small size.
  • The gravity of mercury is less than the earth by three times.
  • Mercury has no atmosphere, but there are a few gasses as ( hydrogen, helium, argon, neon, ).

3. Venus:

  •  Venus the most similar planet to the earth of the solar system in the size, math, diameter.
  • Venus called by the earth twin. 
  •  The Venus atmosphere is a Fuzzy cover.
  • The scientists were found the mountain has 3 to 4 KM and halls its diameter 150 KM.
  • The nature of Venus surface basaltisme.
  • There was an Evidence that there were volcanic explosions. 
  •  The weather of Venus contains the carbon dioxide gas. 
  •  Scientists think that there was water on Venus before.
  • Nobody knows why the water evaporates.  
  • The distance between Venus and Sun is 108.2 million KM.
  • Venus turns around the sun from the east to the west. Venus gravity is near the earth gravity. Venus temperature is 480 degree and its pressure is more than the pressure on the surface of earth seas by 90 times.

    4- Earth:

    • The earth is the only planet that is suitable for life because
    1. it has a suitable temperature
    2. it has atmosphere
    3. it has a suitable  hydrosphere
    4. it has a suitable amount of gravity
    5. it has a suitable pressure

    • earth contains :
    1. 21% of oxygen
    2. 78 % of nitrogen
    3. 0.03%of carbon dioxide

    • Earth contains many layers,
    1. Crust
    2. Mantel
    3. Outer core
    4. Inner core

    • Earth complete it’s turn around itself in 23 hours and 56 minutes and 4 seconds
    • Earth complete it’s turn around the sun in 365 days
    • The distance between the earth and the sun is 149.675 million km

    • Mars is named by the red planet
    • It completes it’s turn around itself in 24 hours and 37 minutes and 32 second
    • It completes it turn around the sun in 687 day
    • It’s diameter 6794 km
    • The distance between mars and the sun 230 million km


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